Professor Andrew Eder



Professor Andrew Eder

Andrew Eder

Professor Andrew Eder BDS MSc MRD FDS FFGDP FCGDent FHEA is a leading dentist and Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics. In addition to this, he is a clinical academic, board adviser and charity trustee.

Having worked in private practice in the prestigious Harley Street area for over 30 years, Andrew sold his practice Specialist Dental Care to Portman Dental Care in 2021where he continues to work as an associate.

Andrew's clinical and academic credentials are second to none and include multiple awards, honorary fellowships, and degrees. Andrew is Emeritus Professor and formerly a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute.

As Co-Editor of the British Dental Journal book on Tooth Wear, Andrew has a special interest in caring for patients with worn teeth and has published extensively.

He is Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and a past President of Alpha Omega, the British Society for Restorative Dentistry, and the RoyalSociety of Medicine’s Dental Section.

At the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Andrew has been a Board Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery and Chair of the Restorative Specialty Membership Examinations.


We are delighted to have Andrew as part of our team. His experience will be invaluable in offering support to our clients as he brings a fresh perspective from the eyes of a seller.